Prognostic association of plasma NT-proBNP levels in patients with microvascular angina – A report from the international cohort study by COVADIS

Akira Suda Jun Takahashi Maike Schwidder Peter Ong Daniel Ang Colin Berry Paolo G. Camici Filippo Crea Juan-Carlos Kaski Carl Pepine Ornella Rimoldi Udo Sechtem Satoshi Yasuda John F. Beltrame C.Noel Bairey Merz Hiroaki Shimokawa on behalf of the Coronary Vasomotor Disorders International Study COVADIS Group

Prevalence and correlates of coronary microvascular dysfunction in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: PROMIS-HFpEF

Sanjiv J Shah, Carolyn S P Lam, Sara Svedlund, Antti Saraste, Camilla Hage, Ru-San Tan, Lauren Beussink-Nelson, Ulrika Ljung Faxen, Maria Lagerstrom Fermer, Malin A Broberg, Li-Ming Gan, Lars H
Lay Summary – How common is Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction and is it associated with a particular type of heart failure.

Systemic Microvascular Dysfunction in Microvascular and Vasospastic Angina

Thomas J Ford, Paul Rocchicciolo, Richard Good, Margaret Entegart, Hany Eteiba, Stuart Watkins, Aadil Shaukat, Mitchell Lindsay, Keith Robertson, Stuart Hood, Eric Yii, Novalia Sidik, Adam Harvey, Augusto C Montezano, Elisabeth Beattie, Laura Haddow, Keith G Oldroyd, Rhian M Touyz, Colin Berry.
Lay Summary – Do INOCA conditions affect other areas of the body as well as the heart

Optimal Use of Vasodilators for Diagnosis of Microvascular Angina in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory

Haseeb Rahman, PhD, Ozan M. Demir, MBBS, Matthew Ryan, MBChB, Hannah McConkey, MBBS, Cian Scannell, MRes, Howard Ellis, BSc, Andrew Webb, PhD, Amedeo Chiribiri, PhD, and Divaka Perera, MD
Lay Summary – Investigating how the use of certain drugs in testing, can help accurate diagnosis and inform treatment.