Sanjiv J Shah, Carolyn S P Lam, Sara Svedlund, Antti Saraste, Camilla Hage, Ru-San Tan, Lauren Beussink-Nelson, Ulrika Ljung Faxen, Maria Lagerstrom Fermer, Malin A Broberg, Li-Ming Gan, Lars H
Lay Summary – How common is Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction and is it associated with a particular type of heart failure.
Diagnosis of patients with angina and non-obstructive coronary disease in the catheter laboratory
Haseeb Rahman, David Corcoran, Muhammad Aetesam-ur-Rahman, Stephen P Hoole, Colin Berry, Divaka Perera.
Lay Summary – Defining the specific type of CMVD in patients can improve management
Physiological Stratification of Patients With Angina Due to Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction
Haseeb Rahman, Ozan M. Demir, Faisal Khan, Matthew Ryan, Howard Ellis, Mark T. Mills, Amedeo Chiribiri, Andrew Webb and Divaka Perera
Lay Summary – 2020 research outlining two different types of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction and the possible benefits of tailored treatments.
Coronary Microvascular Disease Pathogenic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Options: JACC State-of-the-Art Review
Viviany R Taqueti, Marcelo F Di Carli
Lay Summary – Looks at the process of CMVD, updates on diagnostic testing strategies, occurence, risk factors and relationship to heart failure.