Jelena-Rima Ghadri, Ilan Shor Wittstein, Abhiram Prasad, Scott Sharkey, Keigo Dote, Yoshihiro John Akashi, Victoria Lucia Cammann, Filippo Crea, Leonarda Galiuto, Walter Desmet, Tetsuro Yoshida, Roberto Manfredini, Ingo Eitel, Masami Koguge, Holger M Nef, Abhishek Deshmukh, Amir Lerman, Eduardo Bossone, Rodolfo Citro, Takashi Ueyama, Domenico Corrado, Satoshi Kurisu, Frank Ruschitzka, David Winchester, Alexander R Lyon, Elmir Omerovic, Jereon J Bax, Patrick Meimoun, Giusessp Tarantini, Charanjit Rihal, Shams Y- Hassan, Federico Migliore, John D Horowitz, Hiroaki Shimokawa, Thomas Felix Lüscher and Christian Templin.
Lay Summary – Discusses diagnostic workup, outcome, and management in Takotsubo and makes recommendations for optimal care.
Takotsubo Syndrome Associated With Structural Brain Alterations of the Limbic System
Thierry Hiestand, Jürgen Hänggi, Carina Klein, Marlene S. Topka, Milosz Jaguszewski, Jelena R. Ghadri, Thomas F. Lüscher, Lutz Jäncke and Christian Templin
Lay Summary – Uses MRI scanning to investigate the involvement of brain regions in emotional regulation and emotional changes in Takotsubo.
The expanding spectrum of acute coronary syndromes: from STEMI to coronary dissection and Takotsubo syndrome
Professor Thomas F Lüscher
Lay Summary – What the term Acute Coronary Syndrome should now include.