Professor Divaka Perera graduated in medicine from Cambridge University and completed his early clinical training at Addenbrooke’s, Papworth and West Suffolk hospitals. He undertook specialist training in cardiology in south London and sub-speciality training in interventional cardiology at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals. In 2008, he received a senior lectureship award from the Department of Health, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC). He was also appointed to the post of consultant cardiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital. He was promoted to reader in interventional cardiology in 2013 and to professor of cardiology in 2017. In addition to his clinical and research roles, he teaches undergraduate medical students and supervises postgraduate researchers towards MSc, MD and PhD degrees at King’s College London.