“I have to say that it was the most worthwhile and heartfelt conference that I have ever had the privilege to speak at. I enjoyed every moment and would be honoured to present next year”
Senior Nurse Consultant Sr Ashley Davidson
The INOCA International meetings bring together leading Cardiologists, Academics, Researchers, Clinicians, Medical Professionals and Patients, to share and exchange knowledge, perspective and information regarding INOCA conditions. The meetings highlight the need for further research and discussion around unmet needs in Coronary Artery Spasm, Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction, Microvascular Angina, Takotsubo and MINOCA.
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Twitter: @InocaInternati1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/491395198372627
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inoca_international/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inoca_international
INOCA International Meetings
International Meetings INOCA International have had the honour of being invited to attend
European Society of Cardiology Congress
INOCA International were honoured to be invited to the 2023 and 2024 European Society of Cardiology Congress and were privileged to take part in World Heart Cafe discussions and Working Groups as well as having the opportunity to give a presentation on the impact of INOCA to a packed auditorium!
Being part of ESC Congress was a superb opportunity to network and to open discussions with Cardiologists and medical professionals
Two truly amazing Congress meetings which we were very grateful to have been invited to attend.
We have included a few photos which we hope will give just a taste of these very informative and very exciting meetings!
World Heart Federation Summit
INOCA International were honoured to be awarded The 2023 World Heart Federation Best Video Campaign!
Attending the World Heart Summit in 2023 and 2024 gave the opportunity to meet and converse with Cardiologists, medical professionals and health leaders from around the world .
Collecting the award on behalf of INOCA International was a very humbling moment. It was such an honour to be invited to be representing INOCA International at these truly outstanding and very successful global events.
We have included a few photos below, which we hope will give a taste of these very informative and exciting meetings!
Cardiometabolic and Venous Diseases Forum
INOCA International were honoured to be invited to attend and to present at this excellent 2 day Cardiometabolic and Venous Diseases Forum
Attending this meeting was a huge privilege and facilitated great discussion on the subject of the potential benefits of integrated, patient focused care and the importance of a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to patient care.
As is the case with all these excellent meetings, discussion continued on into the the evenings and the networking and shared knowledge was truly invaluable
We have included a few photos below, which we hope will give a taste of these very informative and exciting meetings!
Photos from ESC Congress

Photos from The World Heart Summit

Photos from The Cardiometabolic and Venous Diseases Forum