Important Information and Disclosures
INOCA International is a non-profit group. None of the Advisors or Team Members at INOCA International are paid and all contribute their time and expertise completely free of charge in an effort to further the understanding of INOCA conditions and to improve the health and quality of life of patients with INOCA.
INOCA International is totally reliant on voluntary donations. Donations can be made by anyone via the GoFundMe Crowdfunding platform. Donations are received and processed by GoFundMe and are visible on the GoFundMe page for anyone to view, from anywhere in the world, at any time. All payments in, all fees charged and all amounts paid out are all recorded at source by the GoFundMe platform who keep records of all donation transactions and deductions. Launched in 2010, GoFundMe is the world’s largest social fundraising platform, with over £10 billion raised from more than 120 million donations. GoFundMe also offers the industry’s first and only donor protection guarantee. These are just two of the reasons why INOCA International are happy for donations to be received, processed and managed by the GoFundMe platform. This is the link to the Crowdfunding page opened by an INOCA patient in support of INOCA International – just click on the link below if you would like to see the donation details now – GoFundMe page
The INOCA International website was created by the son of an INOCA patient and was gifted to INOCA International completely free of charge. The website continues to be managed by this very talented man and again is managed entirely free of charge. The only costs associated with our website are yearly web hosting costs – the costs this year (2021) were £193 for the year, which was paid out of the donations received via GoFundMe.
INOCA International is supported by an excellent professional services team including:
Legal Advisors
with over 40 years experience in the Non-Profit Sector
Independent Financial Advisors
with over 40 years experience in the industry
A leading multi-line global insurer providing products and services in more than 215 countries and territories.
Annual Insurance costs are paid from the GoFundMe monies
INOCA International takes great care when inviting new members to join our Medical Advisory Board and we continue to work towards maintaining a Medical Advisory Board which is both global, has a range of expertise in INOCA conditions and which includes members who are both committed to furthering education in INOCA and who are also determined to improve the recognition, diagnosis and care for patients with INOCA. INOCA International also has the ability to call on other members of the medical profession on an ad hoc basis and we continue to have the very much appreciated support and involvement of many medical professionals around the world.
INOCA International has a rapidly growing social media presence and has recently appointed a new Medical Advisory Board member who is not only very experienced in Womens Heart Health but who also has considerable experience in the social media arena too. We look forward to learning more about how to better scrutinise our social media presence, protocols and practices.
INOCA International are committed to reducing the spread of false news and will always work hard to correct or remove any information that is found to be false or misleading. If you see anything on this website which you believe is not accurate or is misleading in any way, please get in touch with us and we will look into this as a matter of urgency.
INOCA International continue to work in a dedicated and wholly transparent manner. Our Management Team and our Medical Advisory Board members all work with the aim of helping patients and do not receive any financial incentive whatsoever to serve on our Board or to be part of the Management Team.
The Accounts following the Meeting of Minds were published on the website within 3 months of the Meeting taking place and are publicly accessible for anyone to view on the website. This is the direct link to the published accounts if you would like to view them now.
Making a Complaint
We hope you are happy with our website, but if you feel you have reason to complain, please use the contact form. Please give as much information as possible about the matter and please also give your full name and contact details including an email address and a telephone contact number.
Unacceptable Behaviour
INOCA International does not condone or promote any group or individual associated with any form of bullying or manipulative/coercive behaviour and will take action to block any such group or individual from all INOCA International Platforms
Your Privacy
At INOCA International we care about your privacy. Our Privacy Policy is detailed below