Prevalence and correlates of coronary microvascular dysfunction in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: PROMIS-HFpEF

Sanjiv J Shah, Carolyn S P Lam, Sara Svedlund, Antti Saraste, Camilla Hage, Ru-San Tan, Lauren Beussink-Nelson, Ulrika Ljung Faxen, Maria Lagerstrom Fermer, Malin A Broberg, Li-Ming Gan, Lars H
Lay Summary – How common is Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction and is it associated with a particular type of heart failure.

Systemic Microvascular Dysfunction in Microvascular and Vasospastic Angina

Thomas J Ford, Paul Rocchicciolo, Richard Good, Margaret Entegart, Hany Eteiba, Stuart Watkins, Aadil Shaukat, Mitchell Lindsay, Keith Robertson, Stuart Hood, Eric Yii, Novalia Sidik, Adam Harvey, Augusto C Montezano, Elisabeth Beattie, Laura Haddow, Keith G Oldroyd, Rhian M Touyz, Colin Berry.
Lay Summary – Do INOCA conditions affect other areas of the body as well as the heart